Saturday, 1 April 2023


My dear readers, you find me in a relaxed mood this week, for which I make no apology. We all need a break now and then, and although I spent a few days on edge after my trip to the control hub of the Scotland-destroying hyperspatial Solar plasma conduit (I really have to think up an acronym for that!), I soon realised that if a swift retribution were to come, then it would have come within a couple of days. It seemed that whoever left the device here had scarpered without installing any hyperwave alarm systems to alert them to intruders.

So I decided I would try to forget about the place until something happened. I’ve set up AI monitoring on the Fed wavebands so that I can pick up anything criminal going on in local space, but so far it’s just been the usual petty misdemeanours like Whoofweed trafficking.

In the mean time I’ve been outside a lot. Despite the persistent low temperatures, Spring is here now and I’m enjoying the countryside. It’s not as if I have to stay in my base for any reason: the spatial anomalies that led to duplicate bases in other mountains all collapsed when I destroyed the generator, and as far as I can tell all the other mountains have been restored to solid stone. I’m guessing there was some new tech involved with that: I’m not sure how a hyperspatial network can collapse and reverse the damage it did inside solid objects, but I could speculate about this: possibly the technology they use creates some sort of dual reality in which the original structures still exist but are obscured by the new ones, a little like a dominant eye situation in which an object is invisible because only the non-dominant eye is seeing it. I think this would involve higher dimensional trickery – perhaps up to 22 spatial dimensions – but even my mathematical skills are unequal to the task of defining the requirements, let alone finding a solution. We may be dealing with a genius here.

Have a good weekend, and try to enjoy the world while you still can: it’s only a matter of time before some other destructive alien comes along and spoils everything, and I won’t always be here to prevent them.

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