2. New VR TV show called The X Multiple launched, featuring talents with very little people. A rival network starts a show called X Spots the Mark (2031)
3. NASA bought by Nissan, who proceed to construct a new space passenger shuttle with a typically lame Engrish name, probably something like the Nissan NASA Nice (2045)
4. I awaken from cryosleep and am given a hot new young body. Unfortunately someone mislabels my dewar as female, so it's a woman's body. Making the best of a bad job, I change my name to Loretta and go on to become an actress (2090)
5. Ice age begins (2092)
6. Ice age ends abruptly after world government decides to abandon alternative energy and reintroduce coal-fired power stations (2102)
Well, it's been a less than frabjous day, as I am weaning myself off the caffeine. Headaches all round! Actually, headaches shouldn't really be described as round; they are rather more star-shaped. With the points poking through the cranium like a hedgehog in a deflating balloon. I like hedgehogs (though I couldn't eat a whole one). Yes, the day has been positively (or negatively) scrumshawn to the plipth degree. A total waswonger if you ask me. But at least I got some music written. I wrote half a note. I plan to write the other half tomorrow, and if they match I shall have to rest for a week before writing the next one.
In a master stroke of high curmudgeonly pigeon dudgeon, I note that there appears to be a foreign pigeon in my garden. Instead of singing if you knew Susie it seems to be singing if you knew where I was last Tuesday you might tell MI5 but they would never believe you, and even if they did, how are they going to penetrate the rain forest and find my top secret hideout? At least, that's what it sounded like to me. Catchy tune, too...