So, the sim completed today and the graphs are in. I now have a set of fairly accurate statistical forecasts for the next fifty years of human foibles and frailty!
The good news is that I’ve decided to stick around for now. It seems that, despite your penchant for lunacy, there’s only a 0.78% chance you’ll set off Armageddon. This is acceptably low for my purposes, but I’ve double-checked that my hyperwave mind backups are still running. It wouldn’t do to have to begin again from six years ago.
The bad news? Well, I’m not sure whether I should reveal any of it, because I might end up influencing history, which could make it even worse, in accordance with Chaos Theory. I probably shouldn’t even have told you the nuclear destruction probability, and I expect it’s actually gone up a little as a result. Oh, globbets.
Suffice to say that the human species is highly likely to continue to provide me with my own personal sitcom entertainment for decades to come. The end, thankfully, is not nigh… although it is for some particular individuals, obviously — and that includes one or two celebrities. I’ll say no more at this point, lest I get branded a psychic, which is one of the few insults that I consider worse than ‘line dancer’.