Just a quick update today. The anthro sim is now running on my Zarbulon (see previous entry), and is scheduled to complete some time on Friday. I managed to optimise the causality matrix by making certain assumptions that were not open to the software because of its ignorance of certain basic facts about humanity. For the record, here are the additional assumptions I configured.
1. Given a choice between ‘simple and wrong’ and ‘complex and right’, at least 75% of people will believe the former. In other words, most people are both wrong and simple.
2. Given any problem involving costs deferred for more than twenty years, 99% of politicians will do nothing whatsoever — unless some fraction of said costs is financial, in which case 64% of them will act in such a way as to maximise their personal gains. But we all knew that.
3. Robert Mueller does not keep crocodiles in a tank underneath his home.
I chose that last one at random using a quantum selection device, and it shortened the computation time by a factor of two. Please don’t ask me to explain why it worked. Presumably, Mr. Mueller knows the answer, but if I were you I wouldn’t pester him about it: I hear he’s a tad busy.